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There is a solution for everything


There is a solution for everything

I'm convinced of it:
There is a solution for everything!

Und ich möchte dazu beitragen, dass Menschen in Projekten das Arbeitsumfeld erhalten, in denen sie wachsen und ihre Potentiale entfalten können um die Lösung zu finden, Pläne umzusetzen und dabei nicht auszubrennen.

I'm convinced of it:
There is a solution for everything!

And I would like to help people in projects to maintain the working environment in which they can grow and develop their potential, with the aim of finding solutions and implementing plans without burning out.

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When I have decided on something, I go through with it, even if it becomes difficult. auch wenn es schwierig wird.

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I love to make the subjects I do excellent. Doing my best every day and getting better every day. When emotions lead to conflict, I remain objective and solution-oriented. I don't beat around the bush and don't sugarcoat anything even in difficult situations, but say clearly what I think. I am ready to break new ground and question entrenched thought patterns.

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I burn for what I do, always give 100%. I use it to infect people who work with me. I love working with different characters and am convinced that great things are possible with the right framework. It gives me great pleasure to be able to contribute to the fact that people in our cooperation grow beyond themselves and in the end look back on results that they did not think possible at the beginning.

My offer

You know what that is? You are open to digital change and want to make your company fit for the future. Your employees are motivated, committed and technically competent – but somehow the cooperation does not work optimally and you have the feeling that a lot of unused potential lies idle in your company.

You are looking for a project manager who speaks the language of your technical and commercial departments and supports you in the practical implementation of your projects as project manager or change manager.

Digital change is not just technology. At the interface between technology and people, a lot of communication is needed. It is at this point of intersection that most projects fail.

Regina Jakits knows this situation very well – from different perspectives. She communicates with people from different areas and hierarchies at eye level.

With the Continuum-based Leadership® developed by Prof. Dr. Winterheller, she conveys joy and enthusiasm in her work and creates the conditions in which potential can unfold.

She prefers to work for people and companies with innovative ideas, high goals and great visions, who strive to become number 1 in their field.

Service portfolio


Leadership and management of complex organizational and information technology projects

Project start, project controlling, project communication, steering committee meetings, ...




Project Turnaround Management


Introduction of Project Management Office


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10 years management experience in a group environment

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Project manager and coach of medium and large projects

Bereiche: IT, Marketing & Sales, Organisations-veränderung & Prozessoptimierung

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Project Portfolio Management

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Project management SAP implementation project condition processing

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Development of the project management office

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Coaching and mentoring of project managers


When the right people work together in the right atmosphere, fantastic results are guaranteed!

Prof. Dr. Manfred Winterheller

Das sagen andere über mich:

Ohne Deine Beharrlichkeit, höchste Kompetenz und charmante Art des Druckaufbaus hätten wir das nicht bis jetzt so weit gebracht! Hut ab! Und ich vermisse so jemanden schmerzlich in meinem Parallelprojekt... ich werde Dich auf jeden Fall jedem empfehlen, der externe PL-Unterstützung sucht.
D. I. Johannes Fahrenheit
Siemens AG
Ohne Deine Beharrlichkeit, höchste Kompetenz und charmante Art des Druckaufbaus hätten wir das nicht bis jetzt so weit gebracht! Hut ab! Und ich vermisse so jemanden schmerzlich in meinem Parallelprojekt... ich werde Dich auf jeden Fall jedem empfehlen, der externe PL-Unterstützung sucht.
D. I. Johannes Fahrenheit
Siemens AG
Unter Lob versteht man die Anerkennung von Leistungen oder Verhaltensweisen durch sprachliche oder körpersprachliche Ausdrucksmittel (zum Beispiel Mimik, Gestik). Lob ist auch Gegenstand lern­psychologischer, motivations­psychologischer und erziehungs­wissenschaftlicher Betrachtung.
D. I. Johannes Fahrenheit
Siemens AG

I look forward to hearing from you


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